Saturday, February 13, 2010

I was very excited about the Winter Olympics, so imagine my disgust with last night's opening ceremonies and this afternoon's needless broadcast of that schmucky,sanctimonious piece of crap song "We are the World".If they insist on boradcasting this stupid song for every Olympic broadcast, I swear I will go to NBC headquarters and create mayhem.
The opening ceremonies?meh. Come on Canada! you gave the world Wayne Gretzky! maybe he should have done the opening ceremony. Oh well, at least he was in attendence. What was with all the speeches? and what was up with that freaky guy who looked as if he was really a woman?I admit that parts of it were very cool, but I fell asleep at 11;30,about halfway through Mountain Man's ponificating speech about the wonders of Canada.
I can only hope that coverage gets better. I am praying I do NOT have to hear that "We are the World" song again.I t was bad enough when it was new.

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